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Export of Products

Export of PR ELECTRONICS products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.


The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant PR ELECTRONICS: digital displays, Ex-barriers and insulators, analog interchanges, temperature converters and universal measuring converters, frequency control modules, monitors of signal boundary values, power supplies, modules with special functionality, accessories
  • 6000 Series converters PR ELECTRONICS
    6000 Series converters
    6331A, 6333B, 6335D, 6350B, etc.
  • 5000 Series converters PR ELECTRONICS
    5000 Series converters
    5102, 5131A, 5333D, 5350B, etc.
  • 3000 Series converters PR ELECTRONICS
    3000 Series converters
    3101, 3112, 3331, 3333, 3337, etc.
  • Digital displays PR ELECTRONICS
    Digital displays
    5531A, 5531B, 5714, 5715, 5725, etc.
  • Ex-barriers and insulators PR ELECTRONICS
    Ex-barriers and insulators
    5104B, 5202B, 7300, 9106, 9203, etc.
  • Analog interchanges PR ELECTRONICS
    Analog interchanges
    2204, 2285, 3108, 3118, 5104A, etc.
  • Accessories PR ELECTRONICS
    3400T, 4511, 4801, 5909, 8501, etc.
  • Converters of the 2000 series PR ELECTRONICS
    Converters of the 2000 series
    2202, 2271, 2273, 2914, etc.
  • Universal converters PR ELECTRONICS
    Universal converters
    3114, 4104, 4114, 5114A, 5116A, etc.
  • Frequency control modules PR ELECTRONICS
    Frequency control modules
    2255, 2288, 4222, 5223A, 5225, etc.
  • Boundary value monitors PR ELECTRONICS
    Boundary value monitors
    2231, 2237, 2238, 4131, etc.
  • Power supplies PR ELECTRONICS
    Power supplies
    2220, 2223, 2240, 3405, 9420, etc.
  • Modules with special functions PR ELECTRONICS
    Modules with special functions
    2224, 2281, 2289, 3532, 5343B, etc.


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